Monday, January 06, 2014

Voting with My Feet

Rather than face the Chill on Birch Hill, even though it was a nice day and all, I opted to do the Moose Mountain Snowshoe Race on Saturday. It was almost a distaster. I had to make an emergency errand into town to get a prescription for a family member, and in my rush forgot my running shoes. So I got to the start and was about to just head back home, but I asked around and the hosts had a pair of size 10.5 racing flats. About one size too large but they worked. Thankfully they held up the start for a couple minutes while I scrambled to get the shoes and snowshoes on.

I only had a half mile warm up so took it out moderately for the first K. We climbed gradually for about a half K and then dropped down into a drainage. And then up up up. I'm hearing 800 ft of climb over about 2K. It was steep the entire way, more so than the steepest trail sections on the Equinox for example, and as steep as the Alder Chute in some place. We climbed for more than 20 minutes, power hiking most of that (probably 90%). Getting to the top was a relief. Kevin was up about 20 seconds and I was able to ease up on him as we were at the top of the burn area on a nice winding section of trail that was relatively flat and not real technicial other than being punchy.

I got my wind back, and just before the descent passed Kevin and poured it on the rest of the way. We had one long steep downhill into the valley. And the last 10 minutes or so was a series of rollers that were tough on the ups! Not as bad as the initial climb but each time I was wondering if I could hold on.

55:20 for 1st. Hey I'm having fun with the series. Unfortunately I'll miss the next two races but maybe can make another one or two before the end.

No regrets about skipping out on the 20K ski race, but did get in a nice 2:50 skate on Sunday afternoon.


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