Monday, March 25, 2013

Sonot 2013: A year it didn't happen for me

First congrats to all the skiers who went out there and braved the elements on Saturday as well as for the course crew and volunteers. It was a tough day to be out there racing or working.

For me, somewhat regretfully, it didn't happen. I came down with a chills and aches on Monday night and by Tuesday that developed into a low-level cough. Thursday it moved into my head with some congestion. I was 50-50 for it by Friday afternoon, but in the evening as I was prepping skis for everyone I said Let's GO!

Was disheartened a bit to see the temperature (2 and falling) and snow fall (3" or so) but went downtown planning to go for it. Got all set up with gear and clothing and Gu, drink, duct tape on the face, went down to the river to figure out which skis would run better and did about 1K of warm up. My chest was crackling--that would be wheezing--my sinuses were somewhat congested and worst of all my legs felt the burn even from just easy warm-up level skiing. I'd have been unable to get enough oxygen to carry me up those hills. Even if it had been 20 with icy hardpack, I would have had a tough time of it, but with such slow snow (conditions very similar to 2007, when there was about 2" of snow and it was 0 to 2 degrees above), there was no way I'd be able to last 3+ hours out there.

It also reminded me of Equinox 2006, where I attempted to run (and did finish and did set an age record that still stands, but overall it didn't go well), and I used that experience as a reminder that it's less than wise to enter such a tough event when you are less than 100%.

I called it a day, skied about 8 or 10K on the river, and cheered Tristan and his teammate Jesse in the 20K. They had a great sprint finish!

Daily News-Miner Photo 


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