Back on my feet
Meanwhile, the three J2s I've been working with all qualified for JOs in Maine! Kuba has opted to go to Arctic Winter Games instead, and he should do well there. Erich and Ema are going and have been skiing very well in the lead up.
Tristan at Besh Cup #6, near the top of the grueling South Tower climb

My own kids continue to ski well and improve. Tristan is getting buff, and I can't take him down and pummel him as easily as a few months ago. He finished 7th in the J3 Besh Cup point standings, solid for a 1st year skier (in that age group) who hasn't hit his growth spurt yet.
Mikko at Regionals
And the formerly reluctant Mikko actually is starting to look and think like a skier. Amazing! He was 14th overall at Regionals in the very tough 10K classic, and skied a strong relay leg the next day.
Passed the pre-op physical (including colonoscopy--blech!--most of which I don't remember) with flying colors. Must admit it's fun going in with a bradycardic rythm and resting heart rate of 45 (apparently dropping to 39 when out) and blood pressure of 110/60.
The weather is great, in the 10s and 20s (some 30s!), and our 20 inches of snow is holding fine.
I'm skiing some--maybe 50-60% of normal for February, which is usually my big month in prep for my own version of March Madness. No Alaska ski marathons, this year but I'm just happy to be outside and moving again.
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