Tuesday, November 03, 2009

NYC Marathon: Four Boroughs and 18 miles to Ouch!

Here's the synopsis. Don't know if I'll have time to write up the full report until I get back home and by then I'll probably want to just file this one away.

Gave it my best shot on Sunday, and it was mostly a great experience until just before noon.

After getting up incredibly early and waiting an interminable 3 hr at the athlete's village, and 20 min a the start line, I was awed and thrilled to be standing beneath the mammoth south tower on the Verazanno Narrows bridge on Staten Island. Half the fun was just processing how they deal with the logistics of getting 40,000 runners off the start line.

Hit hit 10K at 41 min and was holding back, but the knee started to ache somewhere in there. Went through 1/2 at 1:28, but the long downhill (off Queensborough Bridge) at 16 did me in. Hung on for 2 more miles and then the knee just locked up completely and I could put no weigh on it.

Fortunately I was only 10 meters from the aid station. Sat at the 18 mile aid station for 2:10, and they didn't know what to do with me (they were prepared for severe type things or getting people back onto the course, not for the temporarily immobile). So I caught a cab and tried to make it back to the hotel (just 6 blocks away) but with the race going on they couldn't get through, so I was left off at a cafe 1.5 blocks away for another 30 min before Mikko and Tamara and my cousin Sarah showed up and were able to get me to the ER. Several good samaritans helped me, with water, energy bars, and help to a seat.

And I got an inside look at the Mt. Sinai ER.

The knee doesn't appear to be damaged (fracture or tears). Just severe inflammation and a lot of pain. I could put no weight on it for 24 hr. But things are much better now and I'm walking (carefully) this morning without the aid of crutches or a brace (or pain killer).

Hope to be skiing soon, within a week or two, but we have some vacation time between now and then.


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