Equinox: Not ready for prime time

Here we go again - my biennial excursion to Equinox madness. The marathon is in less than two weeks. Summer flew by this year. After Mayor's Marathon in June I had about 6 weeks of recovery/part time training but did get in some long runs of 14 to 16+ miles to keep things rolling. After getting back from the North Slope at the beginning of August I have managed 5 consecutive weeks of solid training, capped off with 71 miles and a 21 miler the week before last. Also put three races in which I did not feel great but the results were decent (okay, decent only if you consider the age factor!).
1:19:58 1/2 marathon (Age graded 1:10 or 1:11)
16:27 xc ("5K", but it was probably more like 4.8K) (Age graded 14:23)
25:58 for Ester Dome Hill Climb )age graded 22:43
Yar! What a hoot. I'm such a loser. Age grading is fun right now because I'd be winning most of the races around here instead of anonymously in the pack.
Anyway, I feel semi ready for Equinox. Healthy, but not exceptionally fast or fit. I just feel sluggish. The downhills on the course are key, and they're tough. Holding it together mile 21 to 26 is vital to a good finish. Hoping that it will be a nice day, but if it's nasty perhaps all the better. I usally perform better when conditions aren't so good.
Competition up front looks tight this year. The three most current winners (Saari, Kramer, and Brinegar) are returning, and relative youngster Aas (runner up last year and just coming off a 22:54 on the Ester Dome Hill Climb), not to mention a few from the Anchorage contingent and newly crowned masters ace Lindberg (2:41 at 45), so getting a top 5 plate will be nigh impossible unless there are some no shows, DNFs, or massive bonks. I could set a personal best on the course and be way back in the placings. So it goes when you get over the hill.
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